
It's funny when I go to to type the name Stanford I want to add and extra d in the spelling.  I don't know why, but I just do.  Anyway, these photos are not in chronological order as we went to Stanford on the way to San Jose.  Stanford is a love for our family.  We just adore this campus and could we have made it work somehow it would be the place we would want to live or Palo Alto that is as it is such a beautiful city. Who knows maybe someday we will live here, but I am not betting on it as California is just so astronomical in terms of housing prices, taxes, and the education system for children is pretty poor.  Sadly, the state just has such a strain on it's budgets with all the illegal immigrants. It is also a very large state, so if you can imagine all the roads and other services the state government must provide. The childen and I just stopped to get a glimpse of the chapel and Winston really wanted to see where the USA Woman's Soccer team practiced. Congrats to them on their win on Sunday in the Woman's World Cup!!! 5-2 I blieve the score was against Japan.


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