Cooking with Winston-Fruit Roll Ups
Winston here! I had so much fun making these fruit roll-ups and they taste better than store bought. The recipe is super easy. My mom took a combination of a couple of recipes and made her own because she wanted less sugar.
2 pounds of fresh strawberries
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 splash of orange juice
What you need is a blender, a cooking pot, parchment paper, and two cookie sheet.
First, wash strawberries. Cut off tops and cut in half. Place 1/2 strawberries and sugar and juice in a blender. Puree. Then add the rest of the berries. Pour mixture into a cooking pot and bring to a boil. Stir often. The reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes until mixture thickens and can coat the back of a spoon. Cool for a few minutes and pour on to a parchment lined cookie sheets. With realistically make 1 1/2 cookie sheets. Cook in the oven at 175 degrees for 6-7 hours. It took us up to 7 hours because of the humidity. Fruit should not be sticky and slightly dry. Cut into strips and roll up. Storage I placed in a zip lock bag then in a Tupperware type container since it is summer here and it is humid. I think you could store for up to a week, but I don't think it will last you that long since they are so delish!
Thanks to blogs Been Lost Once and My Kugelhopf for the idea.