Forever a Family

On Saturday, our family went to the temple to have Ivy sealed to our family for all time and eternity. What does this mean and why do we do it?  Families are the most number one priority for the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints outside of the Atonement of  Jesus Christ. We believe that families are apart of Heavenly Father's Eternal Plan. In the scriptures in Matt. 16:19 it says, "Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.", so without getting too complicated basically we had Ivy permanently joined to our family not just in the eyes of the government but in the eyes of the Lord. She will be forever a part of our family. We did the same thing after bringing Avery home. Since our biological children were born to us after we were married in the Temple they did not need to be sealed to us because they were born in the covenant. The covenant meaning, in this case, the promise of marriage, When Frank and I married we promised that we would not only love each other but that we would be together forever and because we make this promise to each other in the temple we are also in a contract with the Lord.  We love you, Ivy!  We are so grateful your birth mother choose life and that she made the ultimate sacrifice that you may be forever ours. Love you, sweet girl!  On a side note, Ivy's dress was made by my mother from my wedding gown.  Avery and Addy also have gowns made from my dress!


Beatrice P. Boyd said…
Thank you for sharing not only these lovely photos of your family, but also for the explanation of joining your daughter to your family.
NCSue said…
Very interesting concept. And a beautiful family.,
Thanks for sharing at
Jeanna said…
You have a beautiful family and captured some great shots. I love a young man in a bow tie, adorable!
Kian F said…
Very thoughhtful blog

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