Church History Museum


Our time here in Utah is coming close to an end. We head back to Georgia soon, but I still have a few posts to share about our time here in Utah. We have had a really good time here and yet I am sad because there is so much more to see that we haven't had to do.  I guess that is a good thing. I hope we will be able to come back for another summer at some point and do the things we missed.  I feel like we had a really good balance of relaxing and exploring.  I never wanted to make it feel like we were just checking off boxes and I feel like I maintained that goal.  Last week, Addy had some schoolwork she needed to finish, so Avery and I headed to Salt Lake.  I forgot to mention that my husband finally joined us along with our oldest son Harris.  I let them have the car for the day and we took the frontrunner which is a train that runs from Ogden to Provo and then west to east from the airport to Draper.  When we arrived in Salt Lake we went to the Church History Museum.  The museum addresses the topic of leaders of the church, the beginnings of the church, time spent by members in the Mexican War, and early settlement, and currently, they have a famous painter named Minerva Teichert's paintings on display.  Unfortunately, I can't display any of her paintings here on this blog due to copyright issues.  Minerva painted religious paintings and daily life on the ranch.  The girls enjoyed the museum as it was very child-friendly and interactive.  Afterward, we went to the bookstore and got dinner at Kneaders.  It was a good afternoon.


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