Bear Lake


After dropping Addy off at Lacrosse camp at BYU, we drove up to Bear Lake which is a 3-hour drive from Provo, Utah.  Once you get passed Salt Lake and head east, the scenery is gorgeous.  Bear Lake is located an hour east of Logan, Utah, and on the Idaho border.  Years leading up to our visit here to Utah, I had listened to friends rave about Bear Lake and also about these famous raspberry shakes.  Bear Lake didn't disappoint.  The weather wasn't the best, but it was still worth the drive.  Our first stop was lunch as we were so hungry.  We got burgers at the Burger Barn.  The burgers and fries were so good, but even better was that raspberry milkshake.  So good!  Afterward, we did a little and drove up a little way along the shoreline before turning around and getting our seats for the country western concert and fireworks being held at Heritage Park.  The funny thing was we ran into Addy's best friend from Georgia.  She was there with her family for a family reunion.  We enjoyed an hour of the concert before the rain rolled in!  The rain lasted for a few minutes and then what followed was the most incredible double rainbow.  It was so bright.  We set up the chair again and watched the second performer David Nils.  Sadly, the rain didn't stay away and this time lightning came with it.  We decided at this point it wasn't worth trying to stay for the fireworks because there was no guarantee we would get to see them.  We rolled into the driveway just a little after one in the morning.  We will definitely be going back to Bear Lake someday.


William Kendall said…
Beautiful landscapes to be in.

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