Speaking Out

Recently, the Times featured an article on Hannah Neeleman. If you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or on Social Media, you probably have no idea who she is and why she would even be featured in the Times. Hannah Neeleman is a social media influence, she is a wife, a mother to eight children, a farmer, a business owner, a Julliard-trained ballerina, and was recently Mrs. USA. Why am I writing about her?  In a recent article from the Times, they depicted Neeleman as this oppressed and obviously brainwashed woman. They took everything about this young woman and made it ugly.  They nicknamed her a Tradwife.  Social media and the news has blown up with opinions regarding this article.  Neeleman herself has since followed up on social media saying that she was shocked when the article came out and how it had completely twisted everything she loves and has chosen about her life to be ugly. Neeleman at age 17 went to New York to study ballet at Julliard.  After being in New York for many years and meeting her husband Daniel (who happens to be the son of ex-Jet Blue owner David Neeleman) decided to leave New York to start a farm in Utah. They currently own a ship direct to the consumer cattle farm and are just beginning to venture into Dairy Farming. Hannah's platform for her year as Mrs. USA was Know Your Farmer Know Your Food. She is an advocate for getting back to basics, eating healthy food, and supporting American Farmers not just ranchers.  On social media, her content ranges anywhere from advertisements for her beef, to making her own mozzarella cheese, taking care of her children, to an occasional testimony on her love of Jesus Christ. Hannah is far from oppressed. She isn't brainwashed by the church and its traditional values. She loves her life. She truly loves being a mother and while it may appear she has it all or that she can do it all she admits she doesn't and that it can be hard sometimes.  She admits this though in a matter-of-fact tone and not one of complaint. She is filled with gratitude for the life she has and knows she is blessed.  Why am I speaking out in support of this woman?  I am deeply saddened that there are so many criticizing voices on the life she has chosen. Isn't this what the women of Gloria Steinem's era fought for?  The right to work if one wants to or the right to be a stay-at-home mom.  What is even sadder is that many of the critics are women. They go on social media weighing in with comments that Hannah Neeleman and her "Trad Life" are triggering. I get that not everyone wants a traditional life.  I get some women wanted that life and it didn't work out for them because either they financially could not afford to stay home, they were forced to go back to work because of divorce, or they tried being a stay-at-home wife and they did not feel fulfilled.  Honestly, it is OK if being a stay-at-home wife isn't every woman's dream. In reality, being a stay-at-home wife and mom is kind of a luxury today as more often than not most homes need two incomes to survive. I am very blessed that I fall into the category of getting to stay at home with my children. I am not stupid, I am not brainwashed, I could go to work if I wanted to and do work as a photographer at my own discrepancy based on when I have time in my schedule to work.  I choose to stay at home. Having grown up with a working mother, I wanted to be home with my children if my husband and I could afford to do so, and I also based this decision on being a nanny throughout college. I would rather have fewer trips to the hair salon, fewer trips to get my nails done, drive an old car, and fewer clothes so that I can stay home with my children. In fact, in our early years of marriage, we rarely went out to dinner, did not have cable TV, and only went on vacations that were family visits. This is already getting long enough, so I will get to the point.  I am sad that in a day and era where women should have the right to choose the life they want to lead instead, are getting attacked. They are getting attacked by their very own, and at the same time, their very own are more likely to support the Black Lives Matter Cause or the LQBTQA movement.  Don't get me wrong we should all support equal rights for all, but let's not forget that equal rights for all should include ourselves. Maybe, I am reading it wrong and some of the contempt is coming from jealousy of moms who can't be stay-at-home moms, but even still let's stop it.  We need to support one another!  We need to support stay-at-home moms to working moms. We need to be kind.  No one has it all!  What you see on social media is curated and I am guilty of this though I try to be as authentic as possible.  Just remember what you see on Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, or even in real life is usually only what that person wants you to see and no one has rainbows and unicorns every day.  Let's be like Simone Biles and celebrate the wins of others.  Wouldn't it be a much better world if we criticized others a lot less and focused on how we could be better and do better?  Just food for thought!


Dearest Kelleyn,
It is not Neelman but Neeleman...
But you are so right and I'm with you ALL THE WAY ON THIS!
Those negative comments are the ones being brainwashed and missing out on the essence of life.
With Hannah and Daniel their religious Faith is central to their Family!
They adhere to high morals and true values—something that has been brainwashed out of most insecure people that rather follow the masses just for social media attention and LIKES.
My personal helpers are the eldest kids from a Church member family, living just one street across. Magan just gave birth to her twins, a boy and girl and completed child 9 and 10.
They are an example to many others as they are disciplined and the eldest will major this coming year. She too has chosen home schooling and so far it worked for them.
Neeleman being an advocate for getting back to basics, eating healthy food and supporting American Farmers is a noble thing!!!
One can only admire women like Hannah, Magan and yourself for loving their family and being faith oriented. That is an inner richness that can't be found or bought any other way!
Hugs to you and kudos for standing up for Hannah and the likes!
likeschocolate said…
Thank you! I made the changes. I wrote this late at night. I generally glance over what I write, but sometimes miss things and later have to go back and correct them Sadly my grammar isn't always the best. Neeleman is a good Dutch name! I was upset after seeing so much come across my screen. I am tired of people thinking that women in my faith or members of my church are brainwashed. You can't brainwash someone into religion. You either feel it or you don't It is something you have to consciously choose every day; especially, in today's world where being religious somehow makes one a freak. I am tired of people thinking that the church shoves down our throats that being a stay-at-home mom is the only option. People would be probably surprised that many of our members are highly educated and that going to school is held in high regard. Most of the women in my congregation work if not full-time then part-time. I feel sad for my future daughter-in-law, my daughters, and my grandchildren. This world has become a scary place. Integrity and values are becoming harder and harder to come by. I am proud of your neighbor for choosing the life she wants and hand down to her for homeschooling. We tried it briefly and it just didn't work for our family.
We just have to pray even harder for all those that are completely LOST and encapsulated in believing that commercials and mass opinions will fulfill their life. And with life I mean a perfect balance of body and soul as that is what will carry us through the valleys of life. Nothing else, no counselor, no magic potion—nothing will be able to do so!
High moral values are our biggest treasure and indeed integrity goes hand in hand with that.
There will be a lot of disappointment for many when they in the end discover they went the wrong way...
Big hugs,
And yes, Neeleman is no doubt a Dutch name!
Why do people feel the need to run other people down, I do not understand it and doubt I ever will, what is wrong with being a stay at home mum, I was one and loved it, that was my job later my job became that of nanna another role I loved. Sadly there are too many people who cannot accept that other people think differently to them and live their lives differently as well.

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