A Wedding, A Birth, Death, and Life

 The title of this post says it all.  The almost month since we have been home from Germany has been filled with some highs and some lows, and in keeping it real I share it all.  

Our neighbor's daughter got married this month.  The two of them make the cutest pair.  We wish them and eternity of happiness. 

My husband's cousin had a baby girl.  Look at that sweet face!  Welcome to the world baby K.

Sadly and unexpectantly, we said goodbye to three friends who left this world way to soon.  Till we meet again Arn, Grant, and Wayne.

The girls attended a back-to-school dinner!  They had a great evening being celebrated by their youth leaders at church.

The youth had an end-of-summer party at our bishops' lake house.  The girls had a blast.

Avery made the cross-country team.  She was so happy because she was worried with the new time cut-offs she wouldn't make it, but she is really finding her grove amongst the runners.

Three friends returned home from their 18 and 2-year missions serving as missionaries for our church. Samuel served in Mexico, Tanner served in California, and Maddy served in Spain. It was fun celebrating their return with them.  They are all off to school in the next couple of weeks.


Dearest Kelleyn,
You started off with the happy tiding—the wedding of your neighbor's daughter.
A beautiful bride and a nice event. Those legs in shorts (seen bottom right) kind of ruined the etiquette for such a semi–formal happening...
The baby girl is a sweet tiding!
Sad that three friends left this world way too soon... that is a quite an impact on those left behind!
Back to school and end–of–summer party are lovely things.
The return of those missionaries, long– and short–term of course was a joy to celebrate.
Weddings are such happy events usually with nice looking and tasting cake. Babies bring such joy into our hearts. Sadly death is part of life and saying goodbye can be hard. School is something children either like or hate I leaned more towards hate but I still went every damn day

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