Back to School

 Hello! It has been a bit!  Arriving back to the States I had to hit the road running as we had so much to get done before school started on the 1st of August.  Dental Appointments, physicals, open houses, school supplies, and school clothes shopping not to mention restocking the refrigerator and now we are back in the full swing of after-school activities.  Today was the first day of cross-country running practice.  It's been crazy, to say the least.  It is hard to believe I have another Senior in the house.  Sadly, I won't be posting a photo of Roman as he is in the stage of life where he refuses to let me take his picture.  Ugh! Anyways, what can I do nothing!  This year also marks another milestone and that is this year will be the final year of having a child in elementary school.  A journey that has been 20 years in the making.  Who would have thought?  I sure would not have thought 20 years ago that I would still have elementary-age school children.  It is about time, as there are certainly parents at the school, and I am probably old enough to be their parents. The good news is that I am not the only older parent at the school.  Well, I am pooped.  It has been a long day, so I am heading to bed. Just for the record: Addy is in 8th grade, and Avery is in 7th grade.  Apparently, she picked up the wrong sign.  I will have to reshoot that photo at a later date, and Ivy is in the 5th.  Cheers to another school year!


Dearest Kelleyn,
That indeed sounds like a whirlwind time you spent upon returning from Europe!
Hard to believe how fast time is slipping by...
But it is back to routine for you now.
I find the idea of school starting in August odd, there is often a lot to do before school starts, also what is with kids going through the don't take my picture phase I don't remember going through such a phase
likeschocolate said…
My son is 17 and he refuses to let us take his photo. Every time we try to take his photo, he puts his hand up or turns his face. Grandma, took him to Ireland for a week and he refused to let her take his photo. Teenagers are strange!

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