Let the Races Begin


This Saturday, Adelaide ran in her first race of the season.  She is running for a different team this year.  We had heard about this running team for a few years but could only make it work this past year.  The team is private and you have to try out for it as there are certain requirements that the runners have to achieve to be able to run with them.  Addy set her eye on the team and worked hard to be selected as one of their runners.  We are so proud of her! Anyway, her team came in first place and Addy came in 11th overall.  Only 6 seconds separated her from being in the top 10!  Way to go sweet girl!


Dearest Kelleyn,
WOW, Addy looks so much more mature and she is showing her tenacity in a positive way—you rightly can be proud of her!!!

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