Last Hurrah in Germany


Hello!  It has been another busy week.  School is now in full swing and so are after-school activities.  In fact, I am biting my nails waiting for someone to return my phone call to see if they can help me. I need to clone myself.  This is when I miss having my mom live down the street as she was such a big help over the years helping us get kids from one place to another.  It takes a village.

On another note, have you been watching the Olympics? The start was rather scandalous and I was like what? I hope future Olympic organizers take note. Anyway,  I could really care less about the sports side of it, but I love seeing and watching the human story aspect of it. Watching Simone Biles and her teammate bow down to the gold medalist.  Watching the girl from Ukraine break a world record.  I forget what event.  It is the one where you throw yourself over the pole but without using the pole to help you.  I can't imagine how hard it has been for her the last 4 years to train given that her country is at war.  Watching a member of my church receive a silver medal in the Steeple Chase. Well, I better run.  Above are a few pictures taken of us bowling right before we left Germany two weeks ago. I forgot to post them. Hope you are enjoying the last of summer. What is your favorite part of summer?  The heat hasn't been one of them for me, but I did enjoy the laziness of summer and gathering with friends.  Addy and Avery are going to our Bishops' lake house this Saturday and I couldn't be more thrilled for her.  Ok, I mean it this time.  I need to go!  Let's talk soon!


Felices y contentos, todos se lo pasan muy bien.
Un abrazo.
Dearest Kelleyn,
Oh, you certainly are to be admired for making it through summer and back to school with all the kids.
You are so right about the Olympics!

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