A Bavarian Wedding Part 2


This wedding was a long time in the making, delayed by COVID-19 we were all finally able to celebrate the coming together of Maria and Elio.  Maria was a doctorate student of my husband and we are so grateful that we were able to celebrate their love for each other.  Apparently, they met at a student beach volleyball event and since then have been inseparable. The wedding was lovely not just the ceremony, but the venue.  Nestled in the Bavarian Mountains, the event was an all-day event beginning at 1 p.m. and honestly, who knows when it ended as we bowed out around 11 p.m. shortly after the dancing began.  The food was delicious and the wedding was so well planned out in every detail.  The father of the bride instead of doing the traditional toast put together a little skit that he had videotaped and played on a large screen. It was hilarious and everyone teared up when they played well wishes from Elio's family members who couldn't be there due to the distance and expense. It was also nice to be able to spend time with Anna and Nico. as they now live in Switzerland and see Karen and Alex.  We made some new friends as well.  Congratulations to the bride and groom.


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