

Hello! I hope you are doing well. Before going to Florida, I had reached out to my friend Tracy and we were talking about what each of us was doing during the Thanksgiving break.  Tracy had told me that they were going down to Florida for a dance competition with the girls' dance group.  We were not going to be in Orlando for those dates, but then she admitted that they were going to stay through the whole break and planned on going to Disney on the Monday of Thanksgiving break.  Tracy invited us to join her family for the day and so the girls and I decided to join them.  My mom stayed with the dog at the hotel.  It was so much fun to see our friend Tracy and her girls.  The girls had a blast hanging out with their friends. The big highlight of this visit to Disney was the Tron ride!  It only took us all day to get for the girls to get on as I decided the ride was not for me, but the girls didn't mind.  The day was beautiful and the weather was perfect as it was not too hot nor was it too cold.  Well, I need to run.  I just realized that I need to go pick up Roman from school.  


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