Off to see the Governor "my corner view"
Sorry to all of you who came to visit looking for my corner view this week in participation with Spain Daily's look at a subject around the globe each week. To tell you the truth, I am pretty practical and logical. The only thing I would be able to come up with that is something that is used for a different purpose is a plastic cup that I use to hold pencils in our junk cabinet. Not very original! Anyway, Roman and I went to the Capitol on Tuesday with other children who have Congenital Heart Disease and their families to bring attention to this cause that effects 1/100 births. It is the #1 birth defect and they don't know what causes it. We are hoping to find more money for research that we can love the number of babies born each year with this condition. The photo sucks because the assistant to the Governor took my camera before I could set the settings and tell her how to use my camera, and I could run over to help her because there were film crews there from the local news channel. I am hoping the Governor's photographer was able to get a few could photos and I can replace mine with a better photos. Do you see Roman and I sitting next to the Governor?
p.s. i hope that you didn't take offense to my ragging on krispy kreme for the heart doughnuts, and so very sorry if you did! it just struck me as funny. i am beyond glad that they are supporting awareness for congenital heart disease. in the same way that the ronald macdonald house is helping kids so much but macdonald's is hurting kids. and, my goodness, i am the last one to say that kids shouldn't have a treat. i hope that roman got 2 or 3 donuts all to himself. please let us know whether we can do something to help support his cause.
I actually like the photo of your visit with the governor. It gives the feel of all the excitment of the day. Hugs my friend. xo
Oh, I love his step stool! He wins the gold medal this week!