Roman and Nana in Ireland

On Friday, Roman departed for Ireland.  Given the prices of tickets this year, we weren't able to fly him directly.  He had a 6 1/2 hour layover in Boston and sadly Nana had a 3-hour delay due to mechanical issues which resulted in them pretty much losing 1/2 a day of travel.  The good news was the man at the rental car was really sweet and gave them an upgrade to a BMW and the Air B & B is really nice.  They are staying in a town called Drogheda.  Drogheda is 30 minutes north of Dublin along the coast.  It is where my ancestors come from.  

After arriving in Dublin, my mom and Roman headed straight for the house.  It was about 4 in the afternoon at this point.  Then they headed into town and went out to dinner.  Roman got a pizza and my mom got some soup and brown bread.  Next was off to Tesco to get some groceries for breakfast and back to the the house.  

Today they woke up a little late and my mom wasn't feeling so well which she thinks is due to dehydration.  The airlines are cutting corners these days and some have started charging for water.  She didn't want to pay the fees and so didn't drink anything.  Eventually, they left the house and headed to Dublin.  Since it was Sunday, not a whole lot was open, but they walked across the penny bridge and up to Grafton Street and O'Connor Street.  They had planned to eat at this really nice restaurant owned by this famous boxer, but because my mom still wasn't 100 percent they decided to put that off for another night. Next was a visit to a local park, but again their plans were kind of thwarted due to some event that was going on, and the street getting to the park was blocked off.  They decided to head back to Drogheda and get Roman some spice box.  Don't ask!  It is hard to explain.  It is chicken and fries covered in this spicy gravy.  He said it was really good. 

Stay tuned for more adventures!


Dearest Kelleyn,
Glad they eventually made it safe to Dublin and on to Drogheda.
Dehydration can cause some serious problems indeed...

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