Dun Laohaire


On Thursday, Roman and my mother found themselves in the harbor town of Dun Laoghaire.  It is the port town that if you were to take a ferry from Wales or from France this is where you would enter into Ireland.  They visited the Joyce Gardens, walked along the streets, went into some thrift stores, and ate lunch/dinner at McLoughlin Bar. They even found themselves stuck in proper Dublin work traffic going home giving them a feel of what it would be like if one were to live in Dublin.  Friday is their last day and I believe they are going to a castle and Roman has tickets to the Drogheda Soccer match against Dublin.  On Saturday, he will return home and my mom will fly to Germany.  We head to Germany tomorrow.  I am almost packed.  Just waiting for the dryer and then I should be able to relax until it is time to go.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Lovely images and Joyce Gardens looked lovely!
You are busy indeed.
Picked up my niece–in–law as she flew in on Delta from Amsterdam yesterday with a delay of over 3 hours... Not a fun travel day and I had to change twice the Groome shuttle transportation for her.
But she's here and we enjoy the time we have together.
Have a safe trip to Germany and enjoy your time there.

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