
Tuesday was spent in Dublin.  Roman and my mother drove into the city where they walked along the streets.  They shopped, people-watched, and visited the Portal.  What is the Portal?  Apparently, there is an art installation in Dublin.  It is like a window where those in Dublin can see those in New York City and those in New York City can see those in Dublin.  Pretty cool!  I hadn't heard of it until now myself.  One of the places Roman wanted to visit in Dublin was the Black Forge Inn. It is a restaurant owned by a really famous Irish boxer named Conor McGregor, and based on the feedback from my mom and Roman the food was really good.  Conor wasn't there today, but the waitress heard that Roman was a big fan so she let him hold Conor's belt which made his day.  They wanted to go to the boxing studio, but I guess it was difficult to get to, so they didn't end up going.  


Dearest Kelleyn,
That was quite an adventure again.
And a proud pose with the belt!

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