Wilmington, North Carolina

Hello!  How are you?  I hope you are doing well.  Did you have a good Presidents Weekend?  The children had off from school from Friday till Tuesday, so we ventured off to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and Wilmington, North Carolina.  We wanted to go to Florida for the weekend as we have a timeshare there, but I waited to look to make a reservation, and all the resorts were booked except for the one in Myrtle Beach.  The resort was nice and we were grateful that at least one of the pools was heated.  While we were there we decided to go across the border to Wilmington.  Having read so many Nicholas Sparks books, I wanted to see the town for itself. I am guessing they don't get a lot of tourists.  There isn't much to see except for the many historic homes. I assume most of the homes are Victorians with a few Civil War homes added to the mix.  On our way back to the resort, we stopped at the U.S.S. Carolina which is a battleship that fought in WWII Pacific Theater.  The girls enjoyed the tour much more than I thought they would.  We all learned a new word called Scuttlebutt which is a naval term for water faucet.  We ended the day with food from Panda Express and a swim in the pool and hot tub.  


Dearest Kelleyn,
That no doubt was a lovely visit and very educational!
Good for having access to one heated pool.
I would love to visit that battle ship not going to happen with me living in another country and all

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