Soccer Camp and The Segenberg Museum

Winston is coming home in 4 days. We can't wait. We have missed him so much, but we are glad that he had the opportunity to spend the summer with his Oma and Opa in Germany and also to perfect his German. The last couple of weeks he has been keeping busy. He attended a week-long soccer camp that was organized by a Swiss National Player which explains all the Swiss flags in the photos. He had a blast and Oma told me he came home every day completely exhausted. Then this past week Oma took him and a Colombian exchange student that is staying with the neighbor to the Segenberg Museum which is the museum of natural history. 4 days and counting!  Yahoo!


Lisa said…
That sounds like just the best time! What a lucky boy! and Is that Oma pictures with him? If so I want to know what kind of cream she uses...:)

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