Corner View "Souvenir"

Coming up with a souvenir from my city was kind of hard. The city I live in is part of a larger city called Atlanta. In and of itself we are not really known for anything that someone could take home with them after vacationing here; however, we have a great Baseball team called the Braves, we have lots of historical monuments such as Stone Mountain or the Martin Luther King Jr. exhibit. You can even visit the house where the Gone with the Wind was written. Our state has an ugly history of slavery. In fact, the city was burned during the Civil War. Like a Phoenix, the city has risen from the ashes. It has become an economic powerhouse for the south. I am not originally from this city or even from this state. When we were considering moving here we were not too sure, and one of the concerns we had though minor was that our children would begin speaking with a southern accent. Not only that they would speak English with a southern accent, but that they would begin to speak German with a southern accent. We have fallen head over heels in love with our city and with our state. While peaches might be the more logical choice for a souvenir because we are known as the Peachtree state, I choose peanuts. Peanuts have gotten a bad rap recently in the news because of salmonella poisoning, however, peanuts are a major economic resource to our state with two of the major peanut butter brands such as Jiff and Peter Pan being manufactured here. Jimmy Carter who was our 39Th President was a peanut farmer. If you are not allergic to them, they are lovely in cookies, on sandwiches, and as a soup. Have you ever tried Peanut Butter Soup? It is something not to be missed. Try this recipe out that I found on Rachel's bite . All I can say is yummy!!!! For more corner view visit Jane at Spain Daily located on the left-hand side under my blogroll.
Happy Day!
i dont know....
is it really good?
thanks for dropping by and your take on the corner view was different and refreshing!
i did mine last night ;)
hee hee! :)
The soup sounds like something I would like to try too. Thank you!
But a soup made from peanut butter grabs my attention. Have to go to Rachel's page and write down the recipe quickly. I'm always in for first-try things, and friendly advices:)
Big thanks for sharing, and miles of smiles from Istanbul to Atlanta:)
That peanut soup looks interesting.
Have a great week.