
Towards the end of my mother's stay and Winston's return to school, we decided it would be fun to go to Luxembourg.  Having never been there and wanting to add another country to the list of countries visited, we hopped in the car and drove the almost 3 hours there.  Luxembourg is one of the world's smallest countries. It is not the smallest though as Vatican City comes in first, followed by Monaco.  Luxembourg comes in as the 7th smallest country.  It is smaller than Rhode Island and has a population of 653,103 which can be compared to Albany, New York, or Grand Rapids, Michigan.  My first impression coming into the city is that is new and more modern, but as you get closer to the city center it is marked by the traditional older beautiful buildings quintessential to European cities.  It gives you a sense that the people are maybe more affluent than some of your other European cities.  Luxembourg City is a beautiful city.  Having left early in the morning, the first thing on our agenda was to get some lunch.  We all agreed on an Italian restaurant and enjoyed some pizza.  We followed this with a raspberry cinnamon roll for dessert as we had found a store dedicated to all kinds of varieties of cinnamon rolls.  It was delicious.  We enjoyed the remaining of our time walking through the local cathedral and city streets. Since we didn't want to drive in the start we left around 5:30 p.m. getting us back to our apartment just before 9 p.m. and in time to watch the soccer match.


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