
 Hi!  How are you?  I hope you are enjoying summer so far.  Summer has finally arrived in Germany.  I woke up to another sunny day and I couldn't be happier.  While we have no big plans today, the kids will go to their friend's house for a water balloon fight. It is the last week of school for the kids who live here in Germany. We have 16 days before we head back home to Georgia. I am totally ready.  I miss my home, husband, other children, and dog.  Anyway, while Winston was traveling around the girls, my mom and I were back in Butzbach.  One day we decided despite the forecast of rain that we were going to head into the city.  I booked us a one-hour river cruise on the Main River. Given soccer fever and the lack of parking options in the city, we took the train.  The city was on fire!  I have never seen it that full of people.  We took the streetcar over to Romerplatz and from there walked over to the bank of the river.  The river bank had been turned into the fan zone for the soccer championship.  There were giant screen TVs and food vendors.  It turns out that we were lucky and arrived just in time for the next leaving boat and so the company was kind enough to move up our reservation which in the end turned out perfectly because it rained later in the day.  The ride while only an hour was fun and informative.  Then we decided to get a bite to eat, so we headed back over to Romerplatz.  We enjoyed burgers at Jamy's.  My mom got a refreshing watermelon spritzer mocktail.  It was delicious!  While we ate we watched one of the games.  Sadly as we finished our meal, it started to rain and not just a little, so we headed back to the train station and headed home.  Shopping wasn't worth getting soaking wet.  Well, I need to run!  I hope you have a great day.  


Dearest Kelleyn,
Always hard when the family is kind of torn up... And when the weather is/was not cooperating too well.
Sadly that you got rained on while in Frankfurt.
The short cruise sounds like a good thing to do.

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