Basketball Camp at BYU


Hello!  I hope you had a good weekend.  Ours was rather quiet.  Saturday we went with friends for ice cream in the city center followed by seeing the movie Despicable Me 4 and dinner at a local Kabab shop.  On Sunday we went to church in Wetzlar where we saw some of our old friends from when we lived here in Germany.  The day ended with watching the soccer championship which I was rather disappointed that Spain won.  I wanted England to win because they have never won a Euro and I didn't want Spain to win because they played dirty.  It wasn't to be though.  Also, I spent some of Sunday watching news footage on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.  Shocked and not shocked given the amount of hatred for the ex-president.  I am deeply saddened for the man who has died and for those who are injured.  The question is when are we going to say enough is enough.  When are we going to change gun laws?  I often tell my friends here in Europe who ask me about guns in America that it is easier to buy a gun in America than it is for someone to buy alcohol. It's nuts!  Moving on though, while Frank was in Korea and I am here in Germany our older son Harris helped us care for Addy and Roman. Addy enjoyed her camp experience last year in Utah and Frank promised Addy she could go back before he knew he would be in Korea. This meant that Harris and Roman because he is not 18 would need to go with her and sadly there is no shuttle service picking up kids attending the camp at the airport. They arrived Sunday the 30th of June and were greeted at the airport by Winston.  They went to dinner and then went to the hotel.  The next day, Harris dropped Addy off at the University and she was there for the next three days.  She had a blast.  What did the boys do?  My understanding was that they didn't really do much exploring.  Harris visited a college friend who works in SLC.  They went to the gym every day and they ate.  This being said, Harris works remotely and Roman is taking three courses online this summer.  Since they weren't to leave until the 5th of July, they enjoyed the parade and fireworks.  Then it was time to return home. It is likely Addy will go back next year.  I might even sign up Avery.  While she is indifferent to sports, it might be fun for her as well to attend the camp. The camps at BYU feature just about every sport one can think of or at least all the major school sports.  Winston is currently working as a counselor at these camps.  Last week, he watched over the boys who were there for diving and this week he is watching over the boys for soccer.  Well, I need to run.  We are going to go to a rope climbing/ adventure park today.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Addy looks quite happy in those photos and I guess your boys took good care of her.
As for the assassination attempt and the killing of one man and injuring others, it is terrible indeed. But changing gun laws will not eliminate criminals for obtaining them. Even in Europe, criminals always manage to obtain weapons.
Most people die in car accidents and it is not getting solved by forbidding cars...
Rope climbing sounds great—enjoy!

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