BBQ, Swimming, Ice Cream and Coming to an End

Hello!  I hope you are having a lovely day.  We have some plans to meet some friends from church this evening so that the children can get together and play.  In the meantime, I need to take the bottles back to the getrank store a place that sells alcohol, juices, and other beverages. I also need to take a basket of other items over to a friend's house of things we no longer need.  I am in the process of trying to clear out the apartment to make it easier for my husband when he comes over in the fall to empty out the apartment. While initially I was a little sad about this decision it has become very clear that this is the right thing to do and I am excited for what the future might bring.  School ended here in Germany a few days ago and before some of our friends went on their own vacations we gathered together with them to go swimming and have a BBQ.  The following pictures are from those excursions. We have one week left here in Germany.  It is going to fly by fast, but I am also excited to return home.  I miss my husband, my son, and my other daughter.  I miss my home and my dog.  I miss the simplicity of life in the States, but I am grateful for the experiences we have had here this summer and past summers.  I don't take it lightly that going to Europe for the summer isn't something that everyone has the opportunity to experience.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Indeed another emotional week ahead for preparing to vacant the apartment. Another chapter of life will emerge and you have precious memories of German life!
Friendships remain, regardless the distance.
Enjoy your final time and indeed, seeing the rest of the family back will be great.
Most people here don't understand that feeling as they mostly never have been separated like you and I have experienced for either work or visits abroad.
It only enriches us and makes any relation stronger and far more appreciative!
Big hugs,

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