

This weekend was an exciting weekend for Addy and Avery.  Avery went to the State Championships representing our Middle School and Addy went representing her private club.  The race was held in Cochran, Georgia and the girls overnighted with my husband in Dublin.  They had a great time alone with their dad and with their friends.  The weekend was a culmination of three months of hard work.  Running in rain or in sunshine.  Running when they were tired.  Running when at times they didn't want to and forgoing other activities.  I am so proud of them.  While Avery's team did not place nor did she win any medals, I am still proud of her hard work.  Addy's team on the other hand won first place and she also came in 23rd place in the state.  They gave out medals to the first 25 girls.  She was so happy that all her hard work paid off.  Getting 23rd place isn't too shabby when you are competing against hundreds of girls.  Way to go Addy and Avery!  We are so proud of you!  We would be proud of you even if you didn't medal because just getting up every day and putting on your running shoes is a win.  


Dearest Kelleyn,
Kudos to Addy and Avery! That was quite an achievement for participating and even for winning.
Can't believe they were in my place for the night!

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