The Aftermath

I started this blog to document the history of my family life; however, my family does not live in a bubble. For the past nine days, the world has watched as the states of Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida have suffered from the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Florida is bracing itself for a second hit of the season with Hurricane Milton.  My heart and prayers go out to all the families who are suffering and who might suffer due to the effects of this next hit. We have all heard stories and I say the word stories lightly as it seems like the wrong word to use as if the people affected have made up what has happened to them. What has transpired is personal and it is real. The stories are devastating and yet at the same time I have seen so much humanity and love.  I have seen God's hand.  I have seen our fellow citizens step up for one another when our government has been MIA. I am really not going to talk about the MIA government because I would be here all night and I really need to get to bed.  I don't want to take away from the good I have seen which sounds like a paradox in light of all that has transpired since the hurricane hit. In all the talk of a divided nation, we came together. This is what makes America Great! We put our differences aside and religious beliefs aside and we helped one another. This past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday members of my congregation and domination traveled to affected areas throughout the south and helped those in need. I so wanted to be there, but as stated in my previous post that just wasn't possible.  I will be helping out with another service project his coming weekend which I am excited about.  The below images are what I want to remember.  I don't want to minimize the tragedy, but I do want to focus on all the good.  Humans are good.  In Matthew 5:4 it says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismay, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."


Dearest Kelleyn,
Well written and indeed we clearly see God's hand from We The People and as One Nation Under God!
Praying for our Floridians that God will protect them!

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