V is for Vampire

Last night we went to the church Halloween party called Trunk or Treat. It is so much fun seeing everyone dressed up in their costumes. This year we all dressed up as vampires. We even won the creepiest costumes. The boys had fun eating hot dogs, playing games, watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown", and then going from car to car getting Halloween candy. I think they may have even gone two rounds. Roman is even starting to understand this candy thing and he loves it. He has such a sweet tooth. He even has his favorites. Chocolate like his mom.


Kelly said…
Our ward is doing ours on Halloween. I remember that activity at that building. It was so much fun. And you guys do look creepy.
Nadja said…
wow, I love your costumes!!!!
Ginny Lubin Butler said…
Hey- you got some great pics! You guys were pretty creepy, I have to say!

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