Portugal Against Czech Republic


Hello!  How are you!  It has been a bit since we've talked. We left off with the girls attending girls' camp.  After their return, Avery, Ivy, and I headed to Germany. I will write more on that later as well as our week in France, but while it is fresh in my mind I would like to write about our opportunity to attend the Portugal against Czech Republic soccer match in the European 2024 Soccer Championships.  Winston was able to get us tickets.  Just getting the tickets is a miracle in and of itself as they are highly coveted tickets. We were beyond excited, to say the least as we love soccer and have always wanted to attend the games. The game was beyond fantastic!  It was a nail-biter as the Czech Republic was on their A-game and wasn't going to give up without a fight. The first half ended without anyone scoring, but around the 62-minute mark Czech Rep scored.  Being a Ronaldo fan, we were disappointed for Portugal. They of course rallied back and made their own goal tying up the score to 1-1.  Several more attempts were made, but no one scored then Portugal scored another goal only to find out it was offside and so no point was achieved. The clock is now winding down and just shortly before the 90-minute mark Portugal scores their official second goal winning the game.  The stadium erupted with applause.  It was insane! It was fantastic!  The only thing missing was having Frank with us. He wasn't able to go to Germany with us as he had to go to Korea for work. Well, I think we are headed to the lake today. It isn't exactly warm enough to go in the water, but maybe the girls will have some fun in the sand.  Stay tuned and I will tell you about our week in France.


Dearest Kelleyn,
That must have been oh so exciting for you and Winston to be in that atmosphere!
Both of us have given up soccer when we immigrated in 1983 as it was unknown here and we were way too often traveling for work, to lecture and such.
you described it perfectly and what a fond memory!
Enjoy your European summer.
I know what soccer is and that's about all I know about it

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