Just a list
This list will only interest me and future generations. It is a look at what I must do in the next few days before departing for Germany.
1) Write a consent letter for Roman to fly to Ireland alone. (he is meeting his grandmother there).
2) transfer money into Roman's bank account so he will have money for his trip.
3) return to baby outfits that were sent to me by mistake by Amazon.
4) water grass!!!!! It is going to be hot for the next few days.
4) look at the upcoming weather in Dublin to ensure Roman packs appropriate clothing for his trip.
5) pick up photos at CVS.
6) go to Target for buns and cheese and a frame for said photos.
7) feed the missionaries
8) drop Addy off at her friend's house for a pool party.
9) pick Addy up from said pool party
10) register Roman for summer classes
11) drop off a frame with said photos as a gift for someone.
12) eat lunch with my friend Shay
13) go walking with my friend Magdalena
14) Advise a friend regarding wedding photographers. I don't do wedding photography, and I won't be around.
15) collect passports and put them in my backpack
16) do laundry
17) by a gift for a friend who is moving
18) attend a bridal shower for a neighbor's daughter
19) buy a gift for a neighbor's daughter
20) Go to Amazon and buy a gift for our friend's daughter, who is also getting married.
21) assist Roman with packing his suitcase
22) fill out medical forms for girls going to camp next week
23) fill out letters for Avery and Addy so they will have them to read at camp
24) go to the bookstore and buy a few books for the girls to read this summer. Otherwise, they will spend their whole blood on their phones.
25) return my friend Shawn's email in regards to an update on his cancer.
26) make sure girls have everything packed for camp
27) call and make an appointment for the dog.
28) make a pediatrician appt for Avery as she needs shots for school in the fall.
29) bring cake and a baby gift to friends with a baby boy.
30) pack for myself
31) pack Avery and Ivy for Germany
32) find someone to watch the dog for a few days in July.
33) finish up some paperwork for church calling
34) get my hair done
35 get my nails done
36) put back documents on my desk that were used to get Avery's new passport.
37) treat all the kids for lice. Addy has lice! Ugh!
38) call my cousin Jane.
39) pay medical bill
I have been working through this list since Wednesday and still haven't finished everything. The good news is that Roman and my mom just called and safely made it to Dublin, Ireland. Stay tuned for upcoming photos!
Oh, you bet how often we'd have to check our list before departing either for work around the world or for the 67 times we went back to The Netherlands to visit family and friends...
That is the price of being an immigrant and it is also so rewarding!
Good luck in managing it all.