Addy Plays Soccer

This fall Addy decided to participate in two sports.  The Cross Country running season started sooner and ended sooner than the soccer, so there was very little overlap and conflict of interest in terms of games and so forth.  It only was a little complicated by the fact that there are only two drivers in the house at the moment, so when we needed to be at three locations on the same day we needed to do some juggling.  The other girls did soccer as well, but I wanted to post each individually in order not to have a post with 30 photos.  Right now Addy is leaning towards continuing in the future with running, but who knows as she is constantly going back and forth.  Only time will tell.  She is pretty talented in both sports though and we shall see if she continues to pursue lacrosse.  


Dearest Kelleyn,
That sure is a good stamina builder for Addy!
She will manage to do that—just by pushing on.
We are lucky in the South with good weather.

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