We interrupt this broadcast to bring you our trip to the pumpkin patch. No worries we still have plenty more photos of our trip to Nashville, but these pumpkin patch photos are just too cute to wait. As Anne of Green Gables says, " I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." I mean seriously isn't that so true. I love how it is cool in the morning and instead of popping right out of bed I want to snuggle just a few more minutes under the covers. I love that the smell of pumpkin spice fills the air. I can't even begin to tell you how many batches of chocolate chip pumpkin cookies I have made as my children love them and I don't really feel to guilty about letting them have them as they have pumpkin in them. Yesterday, on my stove top simmered a big pot of curry butternut squash soup for today's dinner. October is wonderful! After arriving home from Nashville Thursday night, Friday we headed to the pumpkin patch. It was perfect timing as most families are still at the beach, and the pumpkin patch wasn't too crowded. The children look forward to going each year and I think it would just break there heart if they couldn't go because they start counting down to when they can go at the end of August. Hope your October is looking fabulous so far!