Hello Monday!
Hello Monday! Hi! How are you? I hope you had a great weekend. We did! Winston and Roman played their first soccer games of the season. Winston's team won 7-2 and he was beaming from ear to ear all weekend long. Roman's team lost 3-2, but he didn't care because he was just so happy to be playing. He has gotten so much better this year. Last year he would just kind of stand there and this year he really goes after the ball. Then I was driving and I saw this field of sunflowers. I just had to stop and take photos. What a nice surprise! I love sunflowers! They make me so happy! Did you know that the pioneers used sunflowers to mark the trails as they traveled westward to mark the trails? Now that Avery is just months from coming home, I feel such an urge to get stuff done. I am sure with 2 children age 2 it is going to be crazy around here, but I don't care because it is going to be so much fun! I have Avery's bedroom almost finished. I need to find pink sheets and some Chinese lanterns and a mattress. I sent Avery a package for her birthday on the 19th using an on-line service called Red Threads. They will send her a letter from us, a cake, a camera for her nannies to use to take photos of her, and a stuff animal. I found her the cutest baby blanket on Etsy, and I bought her some clothes from Tea Collection. Since she is much smaller than Addy and her birthday is just a couple months behind I don't have very many clothes that will fit her for the Winter Season. I am totally nesting right now! While she may not be in my belly, it is like I am pregnant. The first year of this process I ate and gained 10 pounds which I now need to work off. Now that we have seen her face, I am nesting! I am so excited for this little girl to join our family. I was also able to finish one of the blog books I need to order to get caught up on publishing our photos. It really was a great weekend! Well, I better go! I have to go pick Addy up from Preschool! Have a great week!
Happy Monday!