Snowy Day and a New Year

 I can't believe we are 11 days into the New Year.  Winston went home on the 31st, having a few engagements to be back in Utah, and Harris returned to Austin on the 1st.  Honestly, we didn't celebrate New Year's Eve this year!  Harris and I had stopped for lunch at a restaurant called The Flower Child on the way home from the airport, which ended up being our big meal for the year, and the rest of us were just not fussed about lighting fireworks or doing anything fancy.  It has been so cold here in Georgia that we have been huddled under blankets or sitting by the fire, reading or streaming a good movie or TV show.  

The New Year was mainly spent recovering from the Holidays. I put away the tree, did laundry, and cleaned the house. Addy had her friend Payton over, including a trip to Sephora. I went to the gym while waiting for the children to return to school.

The New Year started off strangely with an attack on New Orleans and then with this guy who blew himself up and injured others in Las Vegas.  I am just devastated by the fires and wildfires in California.  I know these places.  I spent time as a child going to the beach in Malibu and driving along the PCH through the communities of Pacific Palisades. When you get past the list of Hollywood Stars who have lost homes, the rest of the people are just regular families.  Rebuilding just may not be in the cards for them.  Thinking about all the lost photo albums makes me grateful that I have kept a digital photo album essentially here through the blog. If we were to lose our home, at least I would have a good portion of our photos.  

It snowed today.  Ivy ran into my room at a quarter to 8, screaming it was snowing.  They all ran outside to play in the snow. It was a good day.


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