The Holidays


We went to Calloway Gardens to see the Festival of Lights!

Frank, Harris, and I went to look at new cars because my van was on its last leg. Then, we went to Fat Mat's for lunch. It was so delicious!

 We went out for ice cream one night!  Very tasty!

I read my scriptures cover to cover!  God is good!

Harris and I went out for our annual mother-and-son dinner.  This year, we picked Bastone.  It was amazing.  

We attended a Christmas Concert at our church and then had dinner at a Korean BBQ on Christmas Eve. This is the third year in a row that we have gone out for a Korean BBQ on Christmas.

                                        Winston and Roman sporting Ronaldo Christmas sweaters
                                                                      Christmas Puppy
                                                           We went and saw Mufasa

                                                                      Giving to Charity

                              Lunch with Winston, Avery, Ivy, and Addy at Lolas Taco's and Burgers

                                            Relief Society Our Favorite Things Christmas Party

                                                                    Christmas Cookies

                                                                    Christmas Recital

                                                    Church Christmas Party and Concert

We had the neighbors for dinner, and Frank was gifted a towel rack with the skyline of Frankfurt on it. What a thoughtful gift and a cherished evening with friends. Lastly, our women's group had a special hot cocoa and cinnamon roll bar for our last meeting of the year. We were treated like a queen. The devotional was on the names of Christ.  As you can see, December was a full but happy month. Not pictured was the celebration of the 4th Advent at our home for Harris and Winston, where we invited their friends over for the evening.

Addy sang in her school concert
They sang the songs beautifully.

The end of the year has come. Winston returned to school today, and Harris and I went to Flower Child for lunch. We took down the Christmas tree, and I did some housekeeping. Addy and Avery are going to a dance tonight. I wish everyone a very Happy New Year. I hope that 2025 brings nothing but happiness and joy your way.


I just want to say I hope 2025 is a good year for you and those you care about, do your best to enjoy life and be as happy as possible
likeschocolate said…
Thank you for your nice comment! I hope that 2025 proves to be a good year for you and your family.

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