Hello! Hope all is well with all of you. We are home from spring break. I have pictures of that coming soon. Today was a fun day in history as the little girls saw the solar eclipse. The last time we had the eclipse, the girls and I were in Germany, so we could not see it, but the boys had seen it with grandma. The boys drove to South Carolina, where they had a perfect few. The girls didn't get off school today, so they watched it at school. I am happy the school allowed them to go out for an hour to see the eclipse in its various stages. Roman was also able to see it at school. Ivy arrived home from school at 2:50, perfect because she had a coveted pair of glasses. My mom and I had tried to buy a pair but had not succeeded, and the homemade viewfinder that my mom made was just not cutting it. While we were not on the path of a total eclipse, it was still fun to go out and see what we saw, and we could even get a picture or two. Did you see the eclipse?
Yes, we did see the eclipse, it was so nice clear with blue sky.