Homecoming Part 3


Finding the time to post has been difficult as we have been so busy.  Just the last couple of days have been insane.  Yesterday, I had to get caught up on washing, go to the store, make dinner, take Roman to get his new eyeglasses, stop at Costco to buy a baby gift,  and then we went to a baby shower for our friend Katy. On Sunday, we went to church, and then the church picnic.  That was a lot of fun.  Saturday, Addy had a cross-country running meet at 7 a.m. in Gainsville, Georgia.  That meant we had to get up at 6 a.m. to be there on time.  After that, I had to run Roman to his boxing lessons.  He is taking Thai boxing lessons in a nearby town.  He loves it!  The girls had a lemonade stand in the afternoon followed by a sleepover here at our house with the neighbor girl. Winston has been home now for a month and has since left for school at BYU.  I wanted to still post the photos from his homecoming here in Georgia.  It was the first time we had been together in 2 years.  It made my momma's heart happy.  Well, I need to run.  We just got back from taking my van to the shop to get the A/C fixed and I need to start making dinner before the kids get home from school.  Hope you are having a lovely week.  Do you have any plans for the holiday weekend?  We are going to go to Alabama.


Dearest Kelleyn,
WOW, that final photo says it all; so many happy faces in there!
Glad that you got to be 'together', at least for a brief moment.
Good luck with everything you plan to.
lesh Stgermain said…
ogether in 2 years? That's a long time! Am happy for you:) Your boys have changed so much from a few years ago - before you know it, they are totally on their own! Have a great time, Emille (Jesh)

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