Teufelshole Steinau

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!  The day was a little low-key for us as the weather was stinky and because of Corona restrictions, most of the celebrations were canceled. We drove about an hour east to visit the town of Steinau, but more specifically the cave there called Teufelshohle. Apparently, around the end of the 1500s, a cow fell through the hole and everyone thought he must have been taken by the devil. Then fast forward  300 years and a boy asks if he could be lowered down by a rope. He didn’t believe in the story.  He was right it was just a cave. The tour takes about 30 minutes. It wasn’t the most spectacular cave I have ever been to, but it was still interesting, to say the least. The kids enjoyed the activity. Afterward, we came home and watched the movie-Boss Baby 2!  Well, I hope you have a good week.  We are getting ready to go to Poland at the end of the week. We are excited to visit our friends.


Dearest Kelleyn,
What can you do when the weather is not sunny and/or rainy?
Visiting such a cave is different and kept ya'll busy.
Here we enjoyed a perfect sunny day on our 245th Independence Day.
We biked together 38 km and enjoyed having the road almost all to ourselves!

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