XC Running

Hi!  I hope all of you have had a wonderful week.  It has been a crazy couple of weeks and while I haven't posted much it isn't because of lack of activity in our life.  Mostly our days are filled with lots of ordinary right now.  Last week, we seriously had three doctors appointment.  Monday started off with a minor dental operation to extract a tooth that was invected in Ivy's mouth.  Apparently, when they did the root canal prior to going to Germany the dentist must have not gotten a very good seal on the crown.  Then on Wednesday, Winston has his braces removed.  Pictures to follow soon as soon as I can corner him long enough to get his picture and Roman visited the cardiologist on Thursday for his annual appointment.  He is currently in good shape, so nothing to worry about.  If you are new to this site than you may not know my son Roman was born with a heart defect and had open heart surgery when he was  3 months old and a second surgery to put in a stent in his pulmonary valve when he was 8.  This week isn't going to be any less busy as Addy and Avery begin Gymnastic lessons on Monday.  Tuesday, I have a luncheon to go to for my ladies church group.  Wednesday, my husband and I are going to go to a concert and out to dinner to celebrate our 21-year wedding Anniversary that came and went on August 1st but we were to busy to celebrate.  Thursday, we have a meeting with our social worker for our 2-year post adoption paperwork for Ivy bringing us to Friday which is jammed packed with a hair appointment, a salad to make for my sons' xc running pre-race dinner, a goodbye party for a friend who is moving to Utah, and a stay at the Marriott with my girls because their grandma is treating us the American Girl suite. I know you are probably shaking your head on the last one, but American Girl has teamed up with Marriott and created a little girls dream room decorated in all pink, customized bathrobes, swimming, a movie with popcorn, and doll-sized beds.  The girls are so excited they can't wait.  Well, it is Sunday afternoon and the house is amazingly quiet because Nana took the girls to pick pears at a friends house and then to play at the park.  I think I am going to take that rare nap that I never get. I hope your Sunday has been as wonderful as mine, but before I go I am going to post a few pictures of my son running his first race of the season.  See you back here soon!  I promise some good things to come, so stay tuned.


Su-sieee! Mac said…
Pshew, and I thought The Husband and I had a busy week. We were in the far slow lane, thank goodness. Hurrah for Roman! And, congrats on Numero 21! :-)
jeannettestgermain said…
Your schedule outshines probably all of ours at All Seasons, Kelleyn! The greatest privilege of a grandparent is I think to spend time with everyone in the family without a deadline in your own schedule - although you're pushed into the schedules of your adult kids and grands, but now I have a choice - as a parent you don't. Wish for you that it will all go smooth this week!
Looks like everybody is off to a flying (or running) start to the school year. Wow, you deserved that Sunday afternoon nap!
Angie said…
After reading that, I need a nap! Congratulations on your 21st anniversary - and good for you for taking the time to celebrate even though it was past. We had a spectacular Sunday, hiking 10 miles in Glacier National Park with some friends - watch for it in a future post. Hope the 'ordinary' slows down for you in the weeks ahead.
DUTA said…
Your Roman is a great inspirational kid, being where he is despite his cardiac background. Love the photos.
Congratulations on your 21 year wedding Anniversary! Wishing you many happy returns of the year!
Wow! Hopefully you had a relaxing weekend! Your Roman is such an inspiration. Great photos! Happy Anniversary to both of you. Glad you made time to celebrate the special day.


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