Gunterburg Park

It seems so unreal that our time here in Germany is coming to a close.  We still have a few more weeks and a few more adventures on the calendar but for now, the last couple of weeks we will be sticking close to home visiting all our favorite people, enjoying BBQ's, and visiting our favorite places to hang out.  Gunterburg Park which is located on the east side of Frankfurt is one of our favorite parks to play at mostly because it has a fun water feature for the kids to keep cool in the summer heat.  This week the temperatures soared up to 90 degrees which for the most part I love, but not having A/C here in Germany proven to be challenging the last few days. Thankfully, it rained yesterday and it cooled down to the high 70's which we think is pretty dang perfect. Hope you had a great weekend!


jeannettestgermain said…
Ah, the all the same swimsuit -good thinking mom! Then you only keep track of one! You probably have noticed only in very special cases people have air conditioning, even in cars:) Thanks for sharing your last weeks in Germany! I understand sad and excited at the same time!
Am still experimenting with the comments - let me know if one of the two comments do not arrive. Here I give my username and url.
Jesh StG said…
Let me see if I can get through with my blog name (not username):)
Powell River Books said…
Makes me think of the water park feature in the middle of Seattle Center. - Margy
Su-sieee! Mac said…
Your children make it look so fun to be at. I'd definitely head for if I was there. Good cheer! :-)
Handmade in Israel said…
They all look like they are having fun!
(and in answer to your question, yes, I am English born and bred but have been living in Israel for the last 23 years - thanks for stopping by!)
Beatrice P. Boyd said…
Your time in Germany has seemed to go fast even for my just reading about the adventures and fun you and your children have been having, Kelleyn. The kids do all look happy to be splashing around and glad the heat wave broke somewhat.
Angie said…
Looks like you weren't the only ones to head to the water park! Enjoy your remaining time in Germany - I am only a recent follower on your blog, but even for this time I can tell you have made the most of your time there - such memories for you and the kids!
DeniseinVA said…
Loved your photos! What a super park and great to see your children having such a good time. I just spent a wonderful holiday with my niece and her husband from Germany. They live in the Black Forest.

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