Trunk or Treat 2011

Roman as Captain America

Harris a Zombie and the Winston oops I mean Harry Potter

Addy and I "Meow"



Last night, the children and I participated in the church annual Trunk or Treat party. Frank was in Chicago for work. We had a great time. The food was fantastic! We ate pulled pork sandwiches and potato salad. Afterward, the children played games then it was time for the parade, costume contest, and the finally Candy time. The boys had a great time. Addy wasn't so sure about the whole thing.


Di said…
Looks like a lot of fun and I love the costumes! I'm off to a kid laden party after work tomorrow!
Francesca said…
you're so brave, going to a party with three kids and an infant! happy halloween!
Happy Halloween! Hope the kids have a wonderful celebration!
Diana Lesjak said…
Love the costumes~ especially Captain America!! How exactly do Trunk or Treats work? Just wondering! Happy Halloween!

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