A Polish Easter!

This year we had the pleasure of going to our neighbor's house for dinner!  We had a wonderful time and tried so many new dishes.  I can't begin to name any of the dishes as Polish is so hard, but you will just have to take my word that they were wonderful.  I actually think our dinner was more typical of an Easter breakfast in Poland.  Our neighbor invites all her friends from her Polish community each year and then they go to a different friend's house for another meal.  They celebrate Easter for 4 days in Poland.  After the meal, Greg hid all the eggs.  Inside the eggs this year were raffle tickets.  Once the kids found all the eggs he called out the numbers and whoever had the corresponding number won the prize.  The kids/teenagers thought this was the bomb.  It was such a lovely evening and I am grateful we got to participate.


Dearest Kelleyn,
What a memorable inter-cultural experience to have this lavish Polish Brunch (as it could be labeled).
Especially for all the younger ones it will make a lasting impression.
The hidden raffle tickets also were a great idea.
What a memory-making Easter - game sounds like great fun and the food has made me hungry!
What a great meal!
Thanks for coming by and visiting me.
Tom said…
...what a gang there was. Enjoy a happy spring.
Veronica Lee said…
Loved the photos, Kelleyn.

Everybody looks so happy!

And that meal is amazing!
That was such a fun Holiday celebration! What a lovely thing for your neighbor to do. It sounds beautiful (and yummy) and an amazing opportunity for your sweet family.

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