Keeping Busy
I can't believe we are all ready 11 days into the New Year! It is flying by! The last couple of days we have been busy perusing finding an apartment in Germany. Not such an easy task when you have such a large family as we do. Most apartments have max two bedroom and we need three. We would considering renting a house, but there aren't too many of those either and using Air B and B isn't an option for us since we will be there for over a year. The good news is I think we might have found the perfect apartment, we just need to hear back from the agent. We are also in the process of getting the children their German passports. The boys all have passports but they have expired and so we have to start from scratch. It will all get done and as I say to my husband you can eat an elephant in one bite so we just have to keeping checking off one item at a time. Yesterday, I did score some amazing winter coats for the girls next year at 60% off. I can't wait for them to wear them. They are going to look darling in them. Also, choose their swim suits for this summer. On another note, Roman had a really fun play date with his friend Xander during the holiday break. He went roller skating for the first time. He can home and said he had fun but that skating was so hard. Well, I am off to Home Depot to buy a part for our toilet. Also, lets cross our fingers that Harris gets into Georgia Tech. He should know by Thursday. He is on pins and needles! If he doesn't than he will go to UGA. He really wants to go to Tech though. Have a great day!
Even here in Idaho housing can be a headache.
Coffee is on