
On Friday, we went to a party at our church.  The food was fantastic!  It was so fun to visit will everyone outside of church.  The best part of all was Santa.  The kids were all so excited to see him!  I was happy to see him/  Saved me a long wait in line at the local mall. Don't you love that my teenage son is wearing short in 30 degree weather.  Pants are torture for him!  Not sure why Roman wasn't in this pictures, but I guess I am going to have to track down my friend who took them to ge the one with Roman in it!  Hope you are having a great week.  I am busy wrapping presents and packing suitcases.  Addy is sick with the flu and we are praying no one else gets it.  Can you imagine being on a ship sick.  Please say a little prayer for us!  


simply bev said…
I hope that everyone is healthy again soon and you have a wonderful holiday!
Skylar said…
Aww I hope Addy feels better! Being sick is no fun, especially not on a boat! Prayers are said. :)
nadine paduart said…
enjoy your season cruise holiday away!!! and merry christmas to you all. n♥
Shauna said…
Okay this picture is awesome. Love it, and will for sure be praying. Love

Shauna xoxoxo

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