First Day of School

Even silly boys go to school.

Today was a success, everyone had a good first day.


There was no dressing this  boy like his brothers.

We have had a fun summer, but now it is time to go back to school.


Dana said…
Hooray for good first days! My girl doesn't start until the middle of September, so we've got almost a month left. It's a good thing, bc the summer work is not yet complete!
Unknown said…
We're starting on monday, a good school you :)
Maddy said…
It's the first day of school already?! Say it ain't so! That means the summer is almost over :(
Company EIGHT said…
What handsome boys!!! I love the first day of school!

Now it's just you and your little girly at home--so fun!

We still have a couple of weeks until school starts--I'm ready for them to go back, and I'm not ready, all at the same time.

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