Not Just Another Handbag

I struggled with the title for this post. This handbag is not just another handbag. It is too bad it is not Earth Day. When I saw this handbag, I thought how cute is that! The cool thing it is made out of shopping bags from the grocery store. What a cool way to reuse something that is so not earth friendly. Wouldn't this make a cute beach bag? When I saw the bag it reminded me of those purses from the 70's called Macrame, but what is even cooler is that this bag isn't even scratchy. My mom made this for me. Isn't she the greatest! Unfortunately, I didn't get the knitting/crocheting gene. She makes things for me all the time. Anyway, if you would like to find out how to make a cool bag like this go over to this blog to get the directions. This is one reason I love blogging is that you can find really cool stuff out there and people who are willing to share what they know. If you like the two-toned effect you will need to go to maybe a different shopping store where their bags are a different color.


Francesca said…
It is a BEAUTIFUL bag, and your mom is the greatest:) WHat is it made of? It doesn't look like yarn.
Ayak said…
That is just so clever. I'm all for recycling whatever you can. What a treasure your mum is!
Dana said…
So cool that your mom made the recycled bag for you! I once read that though those grocery bags are not recyclable, they are one of the most reused items. Now I see yet another way to put that into action!
;) said…
Nice bag, nice blog and nice gift, very 70's ! Thanks for sharing
juicyknits said…
Wow, I'm so making this one!
Nadja said…
wow, what a cool idea!
Melly Mel said…
oh i have heard of macrame.
so cool!
very retro!

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