Last Weekend
Last weekend all but seems a blur. I can't believe the first week of Decmeber is over and tomorrow St. Nickolaus will come. Anyhoo, Avery got her first haircut last week. She only got a tiny trim to even it out and get some of the hair out of her face. We had the sister missionaries over for dinner. I made a very yummy roasted chicken with a mushroom gravy along with cranberries, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Thursday, we had Thanksgiving here at my house. It was the first Thanksgiving I have spent with both my mom and dad. On Friday we drove up to Pidgeon Forge. The little kids loved playing in the hotel pool and Avery met Ashleigh and her family. Ashleigh was in the same orphanage as her and at the same time. They played with one another their. Not sure if they remembered each other, but by the end of the visit they were following each other around. It was so great to be able to swap stories and we left with a plan to get the girls together again. We are off to the Christmas market tomorrow and I am going to make some eggnog bread. What is on your plans for the weekend?
Shauna xo