Rough "Corner View"
A tree fell down in my friends yard
images borrowed from google
Yesterday, was a rough day for the city of Atlanta and surrounding areas as we had a tropical storm pass through our city. Soccer was canceled for my son Winston as we were on tornado watch. He was not thrilled. He lives for his practice each week. My husband Frank couldn't go for his normal walk through the forest as the trail was flooded, but that didn't stop him. He just switched his walk to the neighborhood. Not much stops him as he says, "Germans aren't made of sugar." We have seen this weather before and we will see it again. So grateful that we are safe.
I feel that the weather is very unpredictable right now all over the world (Usa, Italy, south of France, ... :(
Regards from Germany,
Hope everything is ok now
So glad you made it all safe through the storm!!
Liebe Grüße aus dem sturmfreien Deutschland! :-)
Glad y'all didn't have much damage...and, now the weather is lovely. :)