Beautiful Eyesore "Corner View"

While I was so grateful to have my son alive, the perfectionist in me could not get past the scar on my sons chest.  It was ugly and it was crooked.  In my head I wondered why they had to make it crooked. I slathered vitamin E oil on it and Aloe Vera on it for months until it was no longer red.  7 years ago on the 25th of May my son was given a second chance at life.  He went into cardiac failure because he was born with a heart defect called Tetrology of Fallot.  He would not live without open heart surgery because they needed to patch up the hole in his heart, attach the pulmonary valve, attach the aorta, and fix the right ventricular hypertrophy.  Today I look at this scar with beauty.  It is apart of my son.  It will never go away. He will have it his whole life, but without this scar he would not have lived.  

Roman is a pretty normal 7 year old.  He like Mindcraft, swimming, playing with his friends, is a fantastic brother, a great reader, and always makes me smile.  This weekend he tried to convince me that sugar was good for you because it was made from good resources.   

Next Monday, Roman has to go in for a revision of his surgery.  His pulmonary valve is too small and they are going to try and balloon it open.  I believe in the power of prayer and if you do too I ask you to please join me in prayer this upcoming weekend.  Please pray that he will tolerate the procedure well and please prayer for the doctors hands that they will be steady and do a good job as they thread the instruments through his veins.  Please pray that their will be no complication.  Thank you!  Our family would greatly appreciate your prayers and we love this little boy with all that we have and can't imagine him not being in our lives.

Corner View is a weekly appointment - each Wednesday - created by Jane of Spain Daily, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme


Unknown said…
Praying for Roman!
sending positive thoughts your way for all involved.
Francesca said…
i'll be thinking of you all.
simply bev said…
Sending good thoughts your way!
Heather said…
Crying... and sending lots of good vibes to you and your family - xoxox
Le monde dÖ said…
I know Roman is strong... and I'm sure he'll be fine. I'll pray for him!!!!
The McIntires said…
I will be praying for you!!
Menthe Blanche said…
I don't know how to pray but I think of him and you tomorrow. I'm sure everything will be ok. Good luck to him and all your family! Hugs.
nadine paduart said…
i hope for you all that day passed with the best results! n♥

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