The farm "multicolored""
My Many Colored Days
Some days are yellow.
Some are blue.
On different days I'm different too.
You'd be surprised how many ways
I change on different colored days.
On Bright Red Days
how good it feels to be a horse
and kick my heels!
On other days I'm other things.
On Bright Blue Days
I flap my wing.
Some days, of course, feel sort of Brown.
Then I feel slow and low, low down.
Then comes a Yellow Day.
And, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am a busy, buzzy bee.
Gray Day...Everything is gray.
I watch. But nothing moves today.
Then all of a sudden
I'm a circus seal! On my orange Days
that's how I feel.
Green Days. Deep deep in the sea.
Cool and quiet fish. That's me.
On Purple Days I'm sad.
I groan. I drag my tail. I walk alone.
But when my days are Happy Pink
it's great to jump and just not think.
Then comes my Black Days. Mad, And Loud.
I howl. I growl at every cloud.
Then comes a Mixed-up Day. And Wham!
I don't know who or what I am!
But it all turns out all right, you see.
And I go back to being me.
by Dr. Seuss
Our last few days in Seattle were spent on Bainbridge Island at a friends farm. They were perfect end to a fantastic trip. Thanks goes to my wonderful husband and my mother who held down the fort for without your help this trip would not have been possible. Thanks to my friend who opened her home and showed me love and generosity.
and welcome back home...!