dressed, feed, and got two boys on the bus
put the dishes in the dish washer
started a load of laundry
got third little man dressed and feed
Walked 7 miles with a friend
feed lunch to littlest man
checked e-mail and a few blogs
ran to Sears to pick up sport coats for the boys
went to the Paperie to get paper for programs
dragged into toy store where littlest scored toy
and I bought middle son a birthday present
swung by California Pizza Company
got lunch to take home
Soon as I got home got a phone call
that it was trophy day at chess
Took son to Orthodontist after dropping
little man off with grandma.
Went home feed boys dinner out of freezer leftovers
Took boys to Karate
Lifted weights while waiting
ate ice cream with grandpa
Put boys to bed
went grocery shopping
*did you see no mention of shower for me
that is right because I didn't have time.
Thursday will be similar except that I
need to go to Costco to pick up photos
for the program. Will spend time with my dad
while I am making the programs.
Attend a dedication ceremony
for my son's friend who died of cancer in November.
Friday I have to get my hair blown out
go to dinner with my dad
Then we are going to see Mary Poppins the play
Saturday will be the last day of German
School for the year with end of the year carnival.
Get my nails done
pick up cake and food for son's baptism on Sunday
Go to see Robin Hood
Sunday go to church
come home to finish making food
Go back to the church and set up
Clean up
all while PMS ing and eating everything
not tied down which might make it
impossible to fit in the dress I had made for me.
Start all over again with going to dentist,
well check-up for Winston, Karate Tournament,
5th grade graduation, buy
gifts for teachers for the last day of school.
* Did I mention the thermometer in garage is
reading 95 degree and the thermostat is broken.