Christmas Photos

Twas the Night Before Christmas
Frank reading the Christmas story
A gift from the boys
Thank you so much! I love you!
The boys in there new Christmas Pajamas

Roman was happy with his gift; especially the
pacifiers in his stocking.
Santa came through with the DS Lite this year

The other day my mom was singing the song I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, and Winston got so upset. He said,"Nana, that is not true. My mom would never kiss Santa Claus." My mom tried to explain to him that it was just a song, but he did not believe her, so when he got home he asked me if I ever kissed Santa, and I told him no. He then turned around and said to my mom, "See, I told you mommy would never kiss Santa." I thought this was pretty funny.


Andrea W said…
Looks like a fun Christmas morning! And, oh my heck, I love that Kissing Santa story! TOO cute!

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